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A mixture of bunched green onions, red onions, white onions, yellow onions and garlic

Growing Onions in Zone 3

Growing onions from seed is an excellent way to ensure that you have a fresh and abundant supply of this flavourful vegetable in your kitchen. 

There are many different types of onions, such as white, yellow, red, and shallots. Each variety has its unique flavor and uses in cooking. It is essential to select a variety that suits your taste buds and our growing climate.

There are hundreds of varieties to choose from!  Currently, these varieties are the ones we grow on our farm for our weekly vegetable boxes and farm store.

  • White Onion - Sierra Blanca
  • Red Onion - Redwing
  • Yellow Onion - Patterson

Onion seeds are small and black and need to be sown shallowly, approximately 1/4 inch deep in the soil. We use 288 trays and seed 4 seeds/cell.  If you use open flats, you may broadcast the seeds.  Ensure that the soil is slightly moist but not wet, as excessive moisture can cause the seeds to rot.

Onion seeds require a soil temperature of around 15°C to germinate.  Onion seeds usually germinate within two weeks, but it can take up to three weeks in cooler temperatures.

Your onions may be clipped to 4-5" tall prior to transplanting.  We transplant out onion seedlings 6" apart in the garden. Keep the soil moist and weed-free.


Happy growing!

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