Early Girl Tomato is an early maturing variety that produces fruit all season long.
These tomatoes are large, with a vibrant red color and excellent flavor.
Here is what you need to know about this delightful tomato variety:
✓ Taste: Early Girl Tomatoes have excellent tomato flavour.
✓ Growing Traits: The early maturing fruits are hardy and disease resistant. This is a larger plant and will require staking.
✓ Ways to Enjoy: Early Girl are perfect for slicing, adding to sandwiches, tossing in salads, cooking with pasta, and even making salsa.
Its rapid growth and delicious fruit make it a rewarding addition to any backyard or patio.
Height: 48-60"
Spread: 24-36"
Days to Maturity: 60
Fruit size: 4-6 oz
Sold in 4" container
At Maple Park Farm we grow all our tomatoes from seed without the use of chemicals or pesticides.
Early Girl Tomato is an early maturing variety that produces fruit all season long.
These tomatoes are large, with a vibrant red color and excellent flavor.
Here is what you need to know about this delightful tomato variety:
✓ Taste: Early Girl Tomatoes have excellent tomato flavour.
✓ Growing Traits: The early maturing fruits are hardy and disease resistant. This is a larger plant and will require staking.
✓ Ways to Enjoy: Early Girl are perfect for slicing, adding to sandwiches, tossing in salads, cooking with pasta, and even making salsa.
Its rapid growth and delicious fruit make it a rewarding addition to any backyard or patio.
Height: 48-60"
Spread: 24-36"
Days to Maturity: 60
Fruit size: 4-6 oz
Sold in 4" container
At Maple Park Farm we grow all our tomatoes from seed without the use of chemicals or pesticides.